Refresher in Respiratory Disease

Sometimes the barrage of facts and statistics that surround respiratory disease are difficult to take in and can be bypassed altogether, taking the detached position that it only happens to other people. It is only when we are faced with an environment that poses a direct threat to our respiratory health that we then begin to seriously consider protecting ourselves against the harmful effects. 

The simple act of breathing is commonly taken for granted. It is only when every breath becomes an effort that we become aware of just how vital this is to us. We often talk of how health is more valuable than anything else we have, as without it we can enjoy little and are confined in terms of what we can do, especially if you afflicted by respiratory disease, which restricts the amount of activity an individual can do at any one time.

The onset of respiratory disease can make the simple acts of sitting or resting an exhaustive task, impacting the quality of our life and in some cases shortening its length. One in five people in the UK die from respiratory disease, which has been predicted as the third leading cause of death worldwide. Survivors become progressively disabled as a consequence, revealing just how debilitating and critical the disease can become. From long-term (chronic) damage, and short-term (acute) damage, as well the synergistic form, which displays the most potent symptoms for the sufferer, respiratory disease should be avoided at all costs. This is where protective respiratory equipment comes in.  

The best in respiratory protection should always be an essential component when working in environments where air quality is compromised; this could be due to factors such as dust, vapour, gas or oxygen-deficiency. If large segments of time are spent there, then the utmost should be done to ensure respiratory protection is enforced. 

The correct respiratory protective equipment is a sure-fire way to fully protect yourself and /or your employees from developing the harmful symptoms that arise from working in such areas.  Going to work should never be a risk.

The body requires the full capacity of our lungs to function to their optimum. Apart from the obvious routes of entry, through the nose and mouth, harmful substances can also enter the body through the eyes, nose, mouth and the skin, which should be considered when choosing the correct form of respiratory protection equipment. 

Respiratory protective equipment is available in all shapes and sizes, from half and full facemasks to hoods, helmets, visors and complete suits. Each piece is designed to filter, clean and prevent contaminants leaking in, depending on an individual’s requirements and the context for its use.

Approximately 24 million workdays are lost per year as people struggle with the disease. While smoking is also a factor that most people recognise as a contributor, occupational lung disease is also a major concern. Respiratory protection is a preventative measure that saves the onset of a disease that strips the sufferer of their basic right to breathe in comfort.

If you want to guard yourself and others against the devastating effects of respiratory disease with the provision of the highest quality respiratory protective equipment, simply search through our product catalogue or for more information, call us on  +31(0)181 745020 or email Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.


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